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This is the part when she first gets on the train, and she looks so sad and fragile and as if she is really having a hard time leaving that place she was at or yearning of what she is leaving behind.

The composition of the shot is really beautiful as well. how the window is cut and the color of her dress her and flower in her hat pop from  the crowded sit besides her.

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The part she wakes up when the train hits the deer. i just think it is incredible how she moves. the way it is animated with out any hits of anything we can see she is dizzy and disoriented as if she was drugged or something. trying yo wake up and really wondering what had just happened to her.


This scene is from almost the end, when she falls down and the music starts slower. as if she had stopped running and accepted her destiny. How beautifully the eyes are done in this scene gives it the sentimental intensity it needs. Also the timing is perfect it really transmits the sense that she is scared but in peace. how she care fully starts letting her mind go with the butterfly.

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